Bimba - Philanthropic Galleria

by 2:03 PM 0 comments
Its been a time we posted anything in our blog. We were busy planning the activities for our next academic year. We really had a purposeful 2014. Hope 2015 remains same for us.

As we wait for the new academic year to start, we are having our first ever fund raising event.

Spoorthi Foundation has collaborated with Ms. Aditi Dinakar to organize photography exhibition and sale. Thus we invite you all to be a part of our efforts and support us.

ENTRY FEE : Rs.50 /-

Funds raised from the event will be used for :

1. Financially supporting at least one student of Maharaja Bifurcated School to continue education after 10th Standard.

2. Samvaad - Interactive session with inspiring personalities using Google Hangouts.

3. Surveying dropped out student details and trying to find the root cause for the dropout and talk to parents of the children to send them back to the schools and providing educational assistance to them.

4. Swachh Vidyalay Abhiyan - 2015-2019

5. Organizing Medical Camps

6. Teach & Learn - Our comprehensive teaching program to improve the basic knowledge of 8th standard students of Maharaja Bifurcated School.
7. Organizing Industrial visits to the high school students.

For tickets :

Feel free to get in touch with us if you have any queries


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